Residents of Chicago as well as other nearby areas of Illinois may want to learn more about the growing trend of divorce among older citizens. Since the year 1990, the rate has doubled in regard to those who are over 50. In fact, experts predict that the rate of gray...
Child Custody
Co-parenting effectively
One of the most challenging issues for uncoupled parents in Illinois is learning to co-parent effectively. Child custody and visitation schedules are a shock to the system no matter how carefully a family prepares for them. And with parents in two separate homes, it...
How do you protect your children with a co-parenting plan?
When you're creating a co-parenting plan in Illinois, you can protect your children and avoid unnecessary stress or anxiety after a divorce. It can also provide children with a sense of security and help reduce the chance of conflict between parents. A co-parenting...
What happens when a psychologist is hired for your custody case
Divorces in Illinois are usually much more complicated when children are involved. Parents who likely have serious communication barriers will have to negotiate with each other about many different parenting issues. When negotiations are at a standstill, divorcing...
Start planning your holiday custody schedule now
One thing that parents in the throes of a divorce need to understand is that they will have to devise a separate holiday custody schedule in addition to the schedule they will follow the rest of the year. This holiday parenting plan will need to reflect both the needs...
Would your ex stash assets in a divorce? Document them!
The only way that divorcing Chicago couples can get parity in their divorce settlements is if both spouses play fair with the division of marital assets and debts. The problem is that by the time one spouse files for divorce, the couple's relationship has already...
Co-parenting post-divorce presents special challenges
Married couples whose parenting styles differ must find a way to balance their differences and reach a compromise. But when parents are divorced, if they have wildly disparate parenting styles, this can create all sorts of problems for them as well as for their...
Review your prenuptial agreement before you use it
Creating a prenuptial agreement is one of the best ways for couples to protect themselves and each other when they marry. However, creating a prenuptial agreement does not guarantee the strength the agreement, particularly if it contains errors or unlawful terms. When...
Tips to raise kids when you don’t agree with your ex
Raising children is hard enough. When you throw parental disagreements into the picture, it gets far tougher. As a divorced couple, you still have to work together when it comes to your children. But what if you don't agree on how you should do things? Maybe your ex...
Questions to ask regarding your family home during divorce
Getting divorced forces you to ask yourself a lot of questions about what you want for your future. Ideally, you will plan for your future even during the divorce process, trying to put yourself in the best position you can. This type of proactive approach can help...