A study by the organization behind the website Custody X Change looked at the differences between states in how much parenting time fathers get when they’re divorced or otherwise no longer with their co-parent. Illinois came in a dismal 47th out of 50, with fathers...
What if co-parents disagree about education or health care?
Sharing parental rights and responsibilities can prove challenging. Parents in Illinois who no longer live together still generally have shared responsibilities to their children. They must spend a certain amount of time with them in accordance with the court order...
Dispelling myths and fears about prenups
In Illinois, a prenuptial agreement can trigger fear and many other emotions for couples. Anxiety and misconceptions can cause people to delay or avoid drawing up the agreement, which could cost them if they choose to divorce. The following points explain how a...
Executive compensation can complicate divorces
Divorce is a reality for married couples in Illinois who can't work things out. Some divorces are simple matters resolved in a few days. But that's not always the case, especially if you divorce an executive. An important part of what makes that so complicated...
How art collections are divided during divorce
Divorce is stressful enough for Illinois couples without having to worry about having to deal with valuable assets. For art collectors, dividing your collection can be a concern with significant financial and emotional implications. Determining ownership The first...
Protect your medical practice from the effects of divorce in Illinois
If you are a doctor with a thriving medical practice, then you probably have a lot to lose if your marriage were to end in divorce. Unfortunately, many doctors do not take the necessary steps to protect their businesses from the devastating effects of divorce, which...
Mortgage and refinancing basics after Illinois divorce
One of the most contested assets in a divorce is the family home. If the Illinois family law judge ruled in your favor and awarded you the home or if you purchased or gave up some other property for the house, then you will have to disentangle your former spouse's...
How can you create a co-parenting plan that works?
Divorcing parents in Illinois should work hard for the sake of their children. This includes creating a co-parenting plan that clearly outlines each person’s time with the kids. Here are tips to prepare a plan that works for all. Put your child’s needs first Consider...
It’s possible to protect your real estate portfolio from divorce
No one ever wants to think about their divorce in Illinois, but the reality is that it can happen to anyone. If you are a property owner, it is important to take steps to protect your real estate portfolio from divorce. You can start by doing the following. Buying out...
Putting your kids first after a divorce
It’s difficult to decide to get a divorce. Illinois couples who have children can find that things are easier for everyone when the kids are put first. Co-parenting tips can help former spouses going forward. What is co-parenting? Co-parenting is a term that describes...